
Special Scoop: Add values of ‘Bua Chalongkwan’ with Technology to earn locals and its community enterprise more income

Dr. Wiparat De-ong Executive Director of NRCT, revealed, “National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) in collaboration with public and private research networks in Thailand organized the [â€Ķ]

Special Scoop: NRCT showcases 700 Thai-made research entries in Thailand research Expo 2022

Thailand Research Expo is considered as the national stage for showcasing interesting research works, technologies, and practical innovations to create awareness among Thais, exchange knowledge and [â€Ķ]

RMUTT together with National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) transform plastic waste and engine oil to ‘diesel’

RMUTT together with National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) transform plastic waste and engine oil to ‘diesel’ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prasert Pinprathomtharat, Rector of Rajamangala University [â€Ķ]