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04/10/2010The educational expertise revealed that risk sexual intercourse problem has been standing out in the top in Thailand for 10 years leading to have Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act in order to protect the right of continual study of children and youth who has got pregnant, like the normal students. This sensitive issue is virtually being taken to discus on August 16, 2010. Office of the Basic Education Commission and the Higher Education Commission fear the misunderstanding of children and youth. They will think that this is a giving an opportunity for them leading to increase more numbers of pregnant while studying.
Ms. Nattaya Boonpakdee, the Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation talked about the case of Department of Health which is preparing to push the Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act to the consideration of the cabinet in order that it can help to protect the right of children and youth who has a pregnant can return back to study as like the normal student. From 1999, risk sexual intercourse leads to have various social problems which are at the highest point of Department of health statistics of Thailand. Therefore, the key point of this Act is aiming to educate people in every age and sex understanding about Sex Study in order to prevent them from the circle of the serious coming problems of sex intercourse.
This Act is important because it is covering physical and interactional protection and solution of the problem circle system, she said. Do not look at only the problem of having pregnant while studying. In this Act, it cuts out the point of Aborticide and it is focusing on solution by educating them. Moreover, in many countries, there is also the probation of this way of multiage the problem is a correct direction.
She additionally mentioned that, on August 16, 2010, Department of Health, National Health Commission of Thailand and Thai Health Promotion Foundation will work all together to open the forum for thr public hearing about this Act at TK. Palace Hotel & Convention. Here, there will be the invitation of agencies of both private and governmental sectors including general people participating in this exploration of the opinions as it is final round before issuing.
Assoc. Prof. Sujira Khojitmata, an assistant to the president, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, mentioned on his opinion about this Act after issuing, it can help protect and prevent children and youth who has pregnant can return back to study.In another side of this viewing, there is a fear the problem of imitation. Children and youth might understand of in different of main objectives of this Act leading to increase more people who has pregnant during studying. Therefore, this Act is a very sensitive issue. However, good understandings of these Act objectives can be made.
Assoc. Prof. Sujira additionally, mentioned that while the students has got small infant, they can come to study as normal. If they their pregnant hat got bigger, they should be allowed to take the rest for 1 semester and return back after deliver the baby. Higher Education Commission might open the forum to listen the opinion of students or student leaders in order to issue the regulation to use as the whole as well as Office of the Basic Education Commission is supposed to call for parents’ opinions in order to work out the regulation to be used in the schools.