Go-Vote Campaign
10/08/2011Her Royal Highness Princess graciously granted permission to RMUTT
10/08/2011“Today Colum” would like to introduce Mr. Sompon Meepong, a student from Rajamangala University of Thanyaburi who induced the way to quicken mangrove swamps growth.
This project demands to test Tricho derma ssp. mixed with wet and dried clay whether it can help quicken the growth of young Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina as this-time experimentation samples or not. Moreover, there are also objectives to balance the ecological livings and reduce the causes of global warming.
After going to the growing area and testing fresh fungi family named “Trichoderma” (T.viride, T.hazianum and T.hamatum) put into young mangrove swamps and gray mangrove.
From the experimentation, it is found that T.viride can help faster growth of young samples. The height rates of growth their growth are 54.60, 79.65 and 55.57 centimeters respectively.
Two concentrated fungi formula is made of grain sorghum and sawdust.
For more information, please call 08-9767-8569
Translated by Mr. Suraporn Onputtha